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About Lynn

A wife, mother, and grandmother, and all the things that go with that.


Growing up we lived abroad where my love of different cultures began.  My parents were not believers of the God of the Bible. I only came to Christ in my late forties. In this season of my life my greatest pleasure is to know Him more, encourage others in their faith journey, and open my heart for God to do His work in me. God does have a sense of humor.


My other passion is creating art here in my studio in Florida. My artwork will be featured on my blog. I welcome commissions and often facilitate group Art Scripture Workshops. The monies that come from my art go to local organizations in my home city of Jacksonville. All you have to do is connect with me at my email: I make the whole process very easy for you.

Why “Dear God, Thank you”?


It’s about praising Him in all things. Even the hard things.  Even when I don’t understand.  “Dear” is about how I know Him to be.  “Thank you” is praising Him, keeping aware of His working in my life and the life of my family and friends.  Being grateful for all He has done and will do.  Noticing the beauty in nature, HIS gift to me to create art, my desire to help others, the open parking space, finding something I thought was lost, the kindness of others, a smile from someone.  In praising Him my capacity for Joy increases, my eyes are opened to enjoy His Joy for me and my joy for others. Gratefulness is the beginning of walking in His presence, and walking in His presence lights up my path to becoming more like Him.

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